Friday, July 20, 2007

I would be...

I was on Brianne's blog and now I am hooked on the quizzes site she found, so I though I would share....

What Kind of Drink Are You?

You are a Cosmopolitan. You are quiet and content. You don't stand out too much, but you don't mind and don't care what people think of you. You don't need everything to be perfect, as long as you get what matters. Sure, you may be 'girly' and you may not be the smartest, craziest or most refined, but you really like yourself, and that's fine by you.
Find Your Character @

Which Sex and the City Character Are You?

You are Carrie. You know what you want out of a relationship and you're not afraid to keep moving until you get it. Wit and charm are your biggest turn-ons, and you like guys who appreciate you for your mind as much as your body. You have fun playing the dating game, but secretly you just can't wait to find the guy who sweeps you off your feet and carries you into the sunset.
Find Your Character @

Which Pixar Character Are You?

You are Dory. You are naive and gullible. Wait, that's a good thing. Your ability to
trust any stranger is a trait not many people have, but be more cautious
next time a stranger offers to buy you lunch or you might find yourself in a fishy situation.
Find Your Character @


Britttany said...

you didn't do what disney villan would you be!! haha, i did it and i was the wicked step mother from cinderella... Ironic a little bit don't you think?

HappyHadges said...

I did and i was too but i didn't add it!

The Jones Family said...

Fun Heather I didn't see this post!! I know the quizzes were addicting, I think I took almost all of them!!