Friday, July 20, 2007

How much pink is too much pink??

I was looking for a topic for today's post, and was searching around and stumbled over this article. Maybe it is because I have recently been contimplating the way I really want my scrapbook room, or maybe the PINK did it for me. Who knows?

Basically the article is about a 23 year old woman in Dallas Texas who bought a 2-story condo and had nothingt o put in it. She had no furniture, no decorations, NOTHING! So with a $5,000 budget she went in search of the perfect look for her home!

She went to Ikea, shopped estate and garage sales, antique stores, ebay, and many other places. Some it fit perfectly, some stuff had to be altered or distressed to make it fit into the home.

Take a look!

A working vintage hairdryer adds a wink to owner Jenny Grumbles' bedroom.

Ikea's Ektorp sofa and chair anchor the living room that's packed with pink secondhand finds and frills.

Jenny Grumbles' kitchen includes pale pink pots and utensils.

Jenny Grumble's bedroom is subdued with soft pinks and silky textures.

Jenny Grumble's bedroom is subdued with soft pinks.

Jenny Grumbles' pink and blue dining room, inspired by a photograph in a Jonathan Adler book and Tiffany's iconic blue gift box, is sugary and sweet.

While I wouldn't choose this for myself, I think it is understanted and not over done in HOT PINK. She uses it mostly to accent which is nice. It's not in your face or anything. I like it but don't expect it be found in my Scrap Room. I prefer red!


Britttany said...

oohh not me... i love pink. and i love her house. i dont think chad would have let me done that, but i love it, especially the dining room, if i have a little girl, i may imitate her dining room (so to say) i really love it. good find heather.

The Jones Family said...

wow that was so cute...I wish I knew how to decorate like that or scrapbook like you!! fun post heather!