Thursday, October 11, 2007

I need some ideas...

I added some new blogs to my Favorite Places list and I noticed that these women have a couple of different things that they post about weekly. It has promted me to want to post things on certain days for everyone to enjoy. I think I have decided to make one day (maybe Fridays) recipe club day, and then maybe have a regular Monday and Wed post as well. Any idas of topic you might want to see? Maybe "Wacky Wednesday" with funny stories? Movie Mondays? A book club day? A tight-budget craft idea, seeing as the holidays are coming and since the only two or three people I know who look at my blog are strapped for cash and have to be creative with gifts? Or a horoscope day? I would love to hear something thoughts on this! Please...SHARE WITH ME!!


Britttany said...

good idea. i have to tell you again how much i love your background. plus i love your dwts poll. i voted. plus i'm going to tell brianne to vote. haha... go jenny.

Britttany said...

woops i'm up for a few of those. movie review, book club, or a creative day. sounds like fun!!